Package Properties

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Package Properties

To modify the properties of RaQuest sub-packages (which are all the packages under the root package), right-click the package and select the Properties menu item from the context menu.


The following dialog will be displayed:


Package has the following properties:


Name of this package.


ID of this package. This can be added to the requirement ID for requirements under this package. For details, see the Local Options | View2 page.

Auto ID Counter

Setting ID counter of Package when "by Package" is selected at Project Options | Status and Initial Values.

ListItem Name

Setting name of the list used to display requirements list of this package.

When it is "Local Setting", it uses the settings of Local Options' List Fields per user.

When it is "Inheritance", it uses the settings of the parent package.

When it is other than "Local Setting" and "Inheritance", it uses the settings of the same name Project Options' List Fields.


This specifies a requirement category when creating a requirement in package.


Summary of this package. This property is printed on exported documents.